
Copy of 100,000 eBooks eBay Google ClickBank

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Before we start, this does not involve any affiliate schemes, joint ventures, cross selling, up-selling, or any other way of getting your readers to part with any money – they genuinely get the opportunity to read your eBook for nothing. Also, this guide is very compact and not puffed up with irrelevant information to make it appear more substantial than it really is. In my case, I produced a unique eBook based on over 10 years experience of a particular niche subject that contained information that couldn’t be found elsewhere and that there were potentially 5 million customers for this world-wide. My problem was how to get visitors to my web page. In my particular niche area, there were over 300,000 web sites listed with Google. Everybody tells you that you have to be on the first two search engine result pages to have chance of being noticed.

One can spend time and money optimizing meta tags, regular submissions to search engines, designing ‘doorway’ pages to create more links, swapping links with other websites, paying for click-throughs, etc. Some things can make a difference though and I’ll show you how I did manage to get my Google Page Rank to jump 3 positions within a few days without spending any money (see Section 2). Security is another issue. If your eBook is likely to be very popular, then there is a risk of it being ripped off. It would only take one of your paying customers to put a copy of your eBook onto an internet file-sharing service and then you could potentially lose thousands of dollars. On the other hand, you would want other people to sell or share around copies of your eBook if you knew you were going to get paid for them. In a later section, I’ll share my experiences and recommendations on this subject (see Section 3). Retail sales of eBooks are setting records. Units sold in first quarter 2004 were 46% up on the same period last year with revenues up 28%. According to Open eBook Forum President Steve Potash, "eBooks represent the fastest growing segment of the publishing industry.” In recognition of the developing eBook market, libraries are now taking into stock eBooks for lending out. In the US there are over 100,000 libraries (16,421 public libraries and 93,861 school libraries) who will buy in eBooks.

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